Newly named Style Spotters will go out in pairs at the next year’s High Point Markets to find their favorite products and top trends, and leave behind a card on each item they “spot.”
The 2017 team is comprised of design duos, interior designers who work together and brand themselves as a team. Instead of eight individual influencers, the 2017 team is composed of four pairs, including Tami Ramsay and Krista Nye Nicholas of Cloth & Kind of Ann Arbor, Mich. and Athens, Ga.; Anishka Clarke and Niya Bascom of the Brooklyn-based Ishka Designs; David Ecton and Lance Jackson of Parker Kennedy Living in Georgia; and Ron Woodson and Jaime Rummerfield of Woodson & Rummerfield’s House of Design in California.
The 2017 team will be led again by Style Spotter Emeritus Michelle Jennings Wiebe, president and founder of Studio M, Inc. in Tampa, Fla. Wiebe will mentor the group, assist with the group’s preparation for each market, moderate the panel for the Style Spotters LIVE! event and write the introduction for two Style Reports.
“I’m so excited to lead another Style Spotters team through the upcoming Markets,” Wiebe said. “It’s a strong team with a lot of experience and a great variety of styles and design aesthetics.”
(Source: hfndigital.com Author: Allison Zisko)