After you've set up your first successful export pipeline, you'll be looking to expand into other markets. Get guidance on what to do next, here.
1. Growing your research and development
Conducting regular research and development can help you maintain the competitive edge required to keep increasing your share of export markets.
2. Growing your operations
Manufacturing your product overseas or setting up an office in-market can offer greater control over your business.
3. Growing your recruitment strategies
Recruiting people in your target market can be tricky. A poor hire can take years to come to light and cost your business dearly, so it really does pay to do everything you can to avoid it.
leadership recruitment
4. Growing your access to export finance
Planning your international growth? There are a number of agencies who can help with advice, funding and access to networks.
funding investment capital raising capital advice financing
5. Growing your marketing and sales
If you're looking to expand your marketing and sales activities, think about refining the strategies you currently have in place.
6. Growing your strategy
As you grow in a market, you may start thinking about new opportunities such as joint ventures, or how to protect your intellectual property.
7. Growing your international markets
Visiting your market and successfully navigating cultural differences are ongoing considerations when doing business overseas.