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UCINA-Italian Marine Industry Association
UCINA-Italian Marine Industry Association
  • Piazzale J.F. Kennedy 1,Genova

THE MANUAL OF THE GOOD BOATER - BOATING IN PROTECTED AREAS Over the last few years, Ucina has promoted numerous initiatives aimed at changing the relationship between recreational boating and protected marine areas. The objective of the association has never been that of questioning the need to protect the sea, but rather some of the criteria used and the uniformity of the regulations. The macroscopic fragmentation of the regulations is in fact such that the user must distinguish between national protected marine areas, those areas of the national parks that border on the sea, underwater parks, international parks, natural reserves such as Montecristo, regional protected marine areas, the blue ‘oases’ and so on. A variety of agencies, institutions and above all regulations, that are often contradictory and that make observance of the norms and rules very complicated. The signing of the Protocol for sustainable recreational boating promoted by the Ministry for the Environment, Ucina and the main environmentalist associations has laid the foundations for an initial reform and homogenization of the rules. Some have already been launched for the 2008 season and when they will all be operative, we will have taken a major step forward. In the meantime, this guide has been completely renewed with respect to past years, and offers its contribution so that Italian recreational boaters can get to know and see together the marine areas of our nation.