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  • Boat Furniture & Appliances

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SCAZAN Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
SCAZAN Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
  • 上海市静安区成都北路333号招商局广场南楼1406室

  Zannetti with Discobolo reinvented the flying saucer, giving it a meaning typically classical and Roman. The incisions on the inner flange, the ones on the back and even more the dial entirely made by hand in a translucent enamel, make it a very unique piece, the result of the best hand craftsmanship. Simple and sophisticated at the same time, it is a real high applied watchmaking piece, where creativity and craftsmanship contribute to the realization of a unique object of its kind. For the construction of each piece is required the intervention of real masters of art, the engraver, the enameller, the miniaturist, the watchmaker. The result is always unique, where each piece is different from all the others. The production will be “naturally” limited, because it will be hardly able to create more than two watches a month, about twenty per year.