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windsurf Boat

  • Paddle Board

  • No price quoted.

Shanghai Far East FRP Boats Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Far East FRP Boats Co., Ltd.
  • No. 1, Zhongli Road, Binhai Industrial Park, Qidong City


Target audience: windsurf enthusiasts

Place of production: Hong Kong, S.A.R., China

Honor: Olympic Games class


RS:X is designed for the Olympic Games by NeilPryde Ltd. It can adapt to various winds from 3 to 30 knots and it can be comfortably handled by even the lightest riders. Meanwhile RS:X is an example of modern sailboards, with a good combination of speed and balance.

The RS:X class has a proprietary NeilPryde mast, boom, board and extensions - ensuring a consistent and complete performance. RS:X: The equipment is standard, it’s the athlete that makes the difference.

In the summer of 2008, Chinese female athlete Yin Jian won the championship of the item in the Olympic Games.