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White rubber fender

Official Pilot Tug
  • Boat Furniture & Appliances

  • No price quoted.

QingHe FeiYing Rubber Co.,Ltd
QingHe FeiYing Rubber Co.,Ltd
  • No. 1389, Zhujiang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao

Use range:
1) Tugboats, pilot boats, official fishery rescue boats, etc.;
2) Suitable for gravity and Dune wharfs, especially wharfs with large tidal range;
3) It is especially suitable for the fender of the ship, and the floating fender is more adaptable;
4) As a pier fender, it can be used alone or combined with other protective devices to form a protective system to ensure the safety of the pier and the ship. ;
5) As a necessary spare part of the terminal protective equipment, it has a flexible emergency function;
6) Suitable for berthing special ships at sea to ensure berthing safety;
7) When the super large floating fender is adopted, the berthing depth of the ship can be increased to achieve the purpose of upgrading the wharf.