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40 Watt

40 Watt
  • Boat Furniture & Appliances

  • No price quoted.

Changzhou Daily Energy Co., Ltd
Changzhou Daily Energy Co., Ltd
  • 9 Heshan Ring Road, Jintan Development Zone, Changzhou City

Product number
Peak power   Pmax(W) 40
Power difference  Pmax(%) 0~+3
Peak working voltage Vmp(V) 17.70
Peak operating current   Imp(A) 2.26
Open circuit voltage Voc(V) 21.40
Short circuit current  Isc(A) 2.43
Cell efficiency   (%) 15.70
Module efficiency  (%) 12.44
Standard test conditions (STC)
The battery temperature is 25℃, the irradiance is 1000W/㎡, and the air quality is AM1.5.