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Heparon tape

Adhesive tape
  • Industry Related

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Jiangsu  Keqiang New Materialco.Ltd
Jiangsu Keqiang New Materialco.Ltd

Kq0700 hepalon adhesive tape

Performance: weather aging resistance, acid resistance, acid and alkali resistance, good flame retardant performance, can be made into brightly colored adhesive tape, which is not easy to fade.

Application: all kinds of color shade cloth, yacht skirt cloth, bus windshield cloth, rail transit, windshield tarpaulin, etc.

Parameters: door width ≥ 1500mm, thickness: 0.5 ~ 3.0mm

Breaking force of rubber: 8Mpa

Specific gravity: 1.4

Hardness: 68 ± 5 (Shao a)

Elongation: 350%