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MT G2 series (50~80kW) three-phase four channels

MT G2 series (50~80kW) three-phase four channels
  • Other Equipment & Accessories

  • No price quoted.

Shawllar Energy Technology Co., Ltd
Shawllar Energy Technology Co., Ltd
  • Nanjing

Product features:

Dc and AC lightning protection (Level 2)

Up to 16 lines of real-time monitoring and fault monitoring

The industry's highest IP68 class fan

Humidity detection function

Terminal temperature detection function

The maximum conversion efficiency is 98.8%

European conversion efficiency is as high as 98.5%

4 road MPPT

Pull arc function

One-click remote shutdown function

Integrated convergence function

Automotive high reliability display

1.5 times DC overmatched, 1.1 times output long-term overload

Supports multiple communication interfaces