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Sca 100 kA Marine

lightning protection for boat,lightning protection
  • Other Equipment & Accessories

  • No price quoted.

  • Gallarate (Varese)

Height: 750 mm; width: 110 mm; weight: 8,30 Kg; 

The product is a high impedance bandpass filter, a parallel RLC circuit. The inductive reactance opposes the circulation of the current, its value depends on the frequency of the current and the capacitive inductance depends on the coil and on the material used for the core.

In our system it is interposed, connected in series, to the earth conductor (down conductor) of the protection system against direct and indirect atmospheric discharges, or to the conductor entering the general electrical panel deriving from the dispersion circuit.

They consist of a semiconductor element, commonly formed by a cartridge containing a more or less compact granular mass of crystalline semiconductor material and piezoelectric and/or pyroelectric material.

Inside the "filter-block" there is also a shunt element, connected in parallel to the semiconductor element. The product is intended to be used as a filter for LPS systems or for grounding electrical circuits. The product is designed for all sail and motor boats, ships and yachts where an LPS system and an electrical system are installed.