Company Profile

Business Nature:Manufacturer/Agents

Main Products:Qiandao Lake vegetables and fruits

Number of Staff:

Year of establishment:

Liaison:Zhao Hui

Company Address:No. 22, Lianxin Road, Langchuan Township, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City

Contact Us

Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Qianxuan Ecological Food Co., Ltd. was established in 2020. In line with the vision of providing urban consumers with high-quality rural agricultural products from Qiandao Lake, the company relies on the high-quality agricultural products of Qiandao Lake and specializes in pre-cooling, preservation and sorting of edible agricultural products in Qiandao Lake. , packaging, cold chain transportation and other projects, with a digital operation management system, online and offline integration, scientific testing, to achieve the fresh and safe source of Qiandao Lake agricultural products can be traced back to urban consumers.
