Jiu Cheng yipin
Jiu Cheng yipin

Jiu Cheng yipin

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Jiu Cheng yipin Jiu Cheng yipin
Jiu Cheng yipin Jiu Cheng yipin
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  • Jiu Cheng yipin

    Is the hotel supplies vertical B2B e-commerce platform, is the first domestic hotel supplies one-stop procurement platform, and other platforms at present there are differences, Jiucheng Yipin is only focused on hotel supplies vertical e-commerce platform, clear positioning, traffic reach, for hotels, homestays, shopping malls, restaurants and chain catering stores to provide massive product application scenario design and procurement solutions, in-depth cooperation with hundreds of Internet celebrities, talents, short video matrix, live streaming with goods.

    Through the diversified new marketing matrix, we will build marketing channels for merchants, improve marketing capabilities, and help merchants upgrade their digital full links through Class B business infrastructure.

    Jiucheng Yipin will integrate engineering, design, source factory, and excellent product resources online, provide users with solutions for personalized needs, and complete the interactive circulation of sellers' shopping and buyers' purchases through technology, finance, logistics and commercial services. To achieve rapid sales, extremely fast reach, so that direct contact between merchants and customers, is the best choice for procurement and sales.