China's first participation in formulating international furniture standard July 01,2016

Test Methods for Strength and Endurance of Furniture and Beds, an international furniture standard that China participating in the formulation, will be released.
At the 13th Annual Meeting of the Furniture Technology Committee of International Standardization Organization(ISO/TC 136) to be held on July 11, 2016, the Secretariat of ISO/TC 136 Bed Testing Method Work Group (WG4) undertaken by China will make presentation to furniture standardization experts from countries around the world. The work concerning this standard has been proceeded for two years since its approval at the 12th Annual Meeting of ISO/TC 136 in May 2014.
The participation of formulating the international standard not only fills the blank in international standard regarding the bed strength and endurance test method, but also signifies China's considerable ability in furniture mechanical tests.