Nordic Design and Innovation Week (4-13 November)
Creative Youth – Inspiring the Next Generation
The Nordic experience is coming to Shanghai, offering a colorful blend of Nordic creativity. This November, for the fourth year in a row, the Consulates General of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are proud to invite the public to the Nordic Design and Innovation Week. The grand opening will be held on the 4th of November at LIFE HUB @ DANING, with the four Consuls General from the Nordic countries attending. Children and Youth will be the theme this year and will be the foundation for a wide variety of activities, workshops and exhibitions.
During nine days world leading companies from the Nordic countries will showcase some of their latest and most inspiring products within design and innovation for children and youth. The Nordic countries have in many ways been successful in promoting a lifestyle that enables people to be creative. This is a seed planted early in childhood - an approach that has proved highly successful in the Nordic societies. We therefore believe that the Nordic way can be a helpful approach in inspiring creativity in Chinese children and youth.
At the event you can build the most astonishing Lego landscapes; learn how to cook food from the Nordic cuisine; participate in dance and theatre workshops; play with your furry friends from the best-selling game Angry Birds; and much, much more. No matter how big the child, Nordic Design and Innovation Week has something to offer.
“China and the Nordic countries have a lot to offer each other – culturally as well as commercially. It is emphasized every year in The Nordic Design and Innovation Week, which is an amazing platform to promote the Nordic way of living. This year’s theme with a focus upon children and youth is a great opportunity to display the core elements of Nordic culture and to demonstrate why it is unique. We hope to inspire the audience in Shanghai in order to provide the framework for further co-operation in the future”
Jan Wahlberg
Opening speaker of NDIW & Consul General of Finland
About Nordic Design and Innovation Week
The event embodies the Nordic countries' long tradition within the fields of design and innovation, and brings a part of the "Nordic way" closer to the Chinese people. At the foundation of the event is the guiding principle that design is a process, as well as a product. It was held for the first time in 2013, and has since been a successful platform to showcase the Nordic concept of sustainable innovation and creative design.
(Source: Nordic Design and Innovation Week)