Rattan Spirit For Life! Perhaps that is the word appropriate to describe the International Rattan Forum and National Policy Dialogue series of activities held from November 13 to 16, 2016. On the availability of rattan abundant in Indonesia, according to the Chairman PUPUK (The Association for Advancement of Small Business) Lendo Novo, has done `Program Prospect (Promoting Sustainable Production and comsumption Eco-friendly Rattan Pruducts)` funded by the European Commission, in order to support the sustainability of rattan friendly environment in Indonesia. "This program has been underway for four years ie 2013-2016, and implemented by PUPUK Bandung cooperation Vrijwilligers (SNV) Netherlands and Innovation Zentrum Licthenfels (Germany), with the location of the development in the upstream region like Katingan (Central Kalimantan), Sigi in Sulawesi Central, as well as Aceh Besar. for the downstream areas do in Cirebon, Surakarta, or Surabaya, "said Lendo in Jakarta, Sunday (6/11).

Besides, he added, the program is supported by the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, HIMKI (Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industries), and involves local government agencies/municipalities and provincial governments. Mentioned, activities led by Program PROSPECT Indonesia namely establishing agency collaboration national and regional level, also attended the promotion exhibitions in the country following training or research in Indonesia.
"The program is aimed at creating` PROSPECT branding product` rattan in Indonesia that are environmentally friendly, in order to be able to increase the positive impact, so buyers rattan whether national or international will continue to commit to buy, "said the former aktvis Bandung Institute of Technology's 80s.
PUPUK (The Association for Advancement of Small Business) as an NGO established by various national figures include Adi Sasono and Dawam Raharjo, which is concerned with the development of small businesses since 1988 will follow up with the title `International Rattan Forum (IRF)`, with fixed mentitikberatkan rattan products environmentally friendly aspects of Indonesia. The IRF held during 13 to 16 November 2016 starting Cirebon (November 13 to 14) with less visits at several partner companies PROSPECT of PUPUK followed by journalists from home and abroad (Mobelmarkt Germany, USA Today Furniture, Furniture & Furnishing International Singapore, and UBMSino Expo China) followed a series of dialogues in the Building Industry Kementerien Garuda in Jakarta on November 15 to 16.

"This event initiated a review of some of the rattan industry in Cirebon and Tourism Village Rattan GALMANTRO in Tegalwangi Cirebon is an initiation PROSPECT Indonesia with BAPPEDA Kab. Cirebon and Institutions Collaboration Rattan Sustainable Cirebon. For activities in Jakarta would be a means of discussion of all stakeholders who have concern for the rattan industry friendly environment in Indonesia, as well as covering their forests. with the implementation of these activities, we expect the efforts to increase the added value for the rattan industry is increasing, including the export value of rattan and brand rattan Indonesia is increasingly recognized. so with the growing recognition of Indonesian rattan friendly environment, efforts to preserve the nature and environment Indonesia has become apparent due to reduced timber as raw material for the industry, "said Lendo.
Activity in Jakarta will present by PUPUK, HIMKI (Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industries), the European Union, and the Minister of Industry. While the speakers are local government, foreign sources, and other parties.

In the National Policy Dialogue (NPD), which will be held on 16 November 2016, discussions will be carried out jointly between policy makers at the ministry, elements of regional governments, universities or academics, NGOs / national and international NGOs, financial institutions, manufacturers rattan, and will include the presence of buyers as well as observers of Indonesian rattan. This event is expected to be connectivity for suppliers, governments, institutions, both national and international community that will build rattan as the life and the soul of the national and international economy.

Glance PROSPECT Indonesia
PROSPECT Indonesia is the rattan industry development program implemented by the Association for Advancement of Small Businesses (PUPUK) along Innovationszentrum Lichtenfels e.V. (IZL, Germany) and SNV Netherlands Development Organization (SNV, the Netherlands). The program is also in synergy with rattan industry development activities undertaken by HIMKI and the Ministry of Industry. Most PROSPECT activities financed by the European Union through the program Switch Asia-Sustainable Consumption and Production.
PROSPECT program objectives is to encourage the rattan industry in Indonesia in order to gradually shift to a sustainable rattan industry that not only can provide economic benefits but also can keep the preservation of the environment. The theme by PROSPECT is "Rattan for Life", which is made of rattan as a source of sustainable living that values economic, ecological and cultural.

Program PROSPECT conducted on January 15, 2013 until January 14, 2017 in three regions of rattan raw materials, namely Aceh Besar (Aceh), Katingan (Kalimantan), Sigi (Sulawesi) and in the three centers of the rattan industry, namely Cirebon (West Java), Sukoharjo (Central Java) and Surabaya (East Java).

Focus PROSPECT activity in regions of rattan raw materials is helping to strengthen the cane farmers to be able to become a leading provider of sustainable rattan raw materials. While activities in the rattan industry centers aim to help strengthen SMEs can make a rod for quality rattan products that are environmentally friendly with attractive product design to taste the market

PROSPECT Indonesia Program has contributed to the increase Rattan Industry in Indonesia, namely:
Farmers Rattan
• The formation of three groups of Farming Rotan.
• 2,250 people rattan farmers have been trained in the field of cultivation of rattan and processing of rattan raw materials after harvest.
Rattan Sustainable Raw Materials
• There are 12 tree nurseries rattan (demo plot). Which provided 100,000 tree seedlings.
• Have been planted 200,000 saplings rattan in the forest area
• The availability of production capacity rattan BB environmentally friendly as much as 1,200 tons per year.
• Establishment of cooperation between the Group binis rattan BB Farming Rattan Rattan Industry
SMEs Rattan
• Rattan 1,200 SMEs have been trained in the production of clean (cleaner production) for the rattan industry.
• Some SMEs Rotan has been able to carry out its own exports.
Product Design Rattan
• Increased product design capability of 120 SMEs.
• Establishment of Centers Design RADEC Cirebon (30 org member)
• Establishment of cooperation between ITS, Surabaya University and the University of Petra to train desainer2 youth in developing the design of rattan products.

Research and Technological Development
• There are more than 50 products of alternative non rattan furniture.
• Availability of a method of making natural dyes for produk2 rattan.
• The availability of information on market trends rattan products in Europe
• Unknown 7 species of rattan in addition to the types of rattan that is normally used by the rattan industry today.
• Availability of a furnace for steaming rattan more efficient and effective
• The availability of burning appliances that can save gas usage.
Inclusive Business
• The availability of Inclusive Business scheme as a model of partnership to strengthen the relationship between SMEs and Rattan (sub-con) with the Exporter and the Farmers Rattan Exporter.
• There are about 150 SMEs and 30 Exporter Rattan Rattan is already familiar with the scheme Inclusive Business.
• 5 exporters of rattan products already started implementing / try scheme Inclusive Business.
Synergies Rattan Industry Development Activity
Establishment of Sustainable Rattan Collaboration Organization (LKRRL) in 6 provinces, namely in Aceh, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, West Java, Central Java and East Java. LKRRL members consist of multi-stakeholder cane in the region and is expected LKRRL masing2 will become a pillar of the development of the rattan industry in Indonesia.

Promotions and Publications
The more widespread dissemination of information about Sustainable Rattan Industry in Indonesia, which contribute to increased public awareness of the benefits of the use of rattan products environmentally friendly, which in turn resulted in increased sales of rattan products in both the domestic market and in export markets.
Dissemination of information is done through:
• Participation in exhibitions rattan SMEs in the nation (IFEX, TEI, INDONESIA PLAZA KEMENPRIN, SAIL Tomini, etc.) and abroad, namely IMM Cologne, Germany
• Publishes books Rattan Products Catalog (100 Rattan Players)
• Manual Cultivation Rattan.
• Manual CP
• SMEs Production Products Catalog Rattan Rattan
• The brochure contains information about Sustainable Rattan Industry
• Publication of news / events in the print and electronic media.
Government Policies Related to the Industrial Development Rattan
• Enactment of the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi as the Sentra Raw Materials Rattan
• Published and distributed an appeal letter from the LG Sulteng for use in the furniture products kantor2 government.
• An established Rattan as commodity seeded fourth in Aceh.
• The Management Model of Sustainable Rattan in Aceh.
• The cooperation to build a center for innovation and marketing of rattan products in Aceh.
• An established Tegalangi Desa Kampung Cirebon rattan GALMANTRO travel to help boost the local market rattan products.
• Enactment of Rotan TRANSAN Tourism Village, Sukoharjo, Central Java as a tourist destination to help boost the local market rattan products.
(Source: JJGLE.com)