On July 1, the national standard GB/T 18107-2017 "Redwood" was officially implemented. The biggest change of the new national standard is undoubtedly the change of redwood species, which will be formed in the industry for five years with the 29 types of redwood.
According to the revised standard content, the PterocarpuspedatusPierre and PterocarpuscambodianusPierre in the original standard are identified as the synonym of the Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz. In the new national standard, the PterocarpuspedatusPierre and PterocarpuscambodianusPierre are removed. The red sandalwood in the blackwood of Dalbergia is considered to be the synonym of the Dalbergia cultrata, and the Dalbergia is removed in the new national standard, which is unified into a Dalbergia cultrata; Diospyros poncei Merr. belongs to the Diospyros Ebene was cancelled. In addition, Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco, which was originally belonged to the Diospyros Ebene, was classified as D.celebica; Senna siamea was changed to the genus Cassia.

PterocarpuscambodianusPierre; Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz; PterocarpuspedatusPierre
The main force in the mahogany furniture market is all in the three categories of rosewood, red rosewood and black rosewood. However, among the Dalbergia genus, the fragrant wood, red rosewood and black rosewood are all listed as the second-level catalogue of international endangered wildlife protection.

Low-cost mahogany materials such as white rosewood and Burmese rosewood have become mainstream in the market.

white rosewood

Burmese rosewood
In order to increase the added value of mahogany furniture, companies have to change the traditional development ideas. They can not continue the practice of mass production, large-scale opening, or start from the design, turn to the new Chinese road, increase the design selling point of mahogany furniture; or intensive in the process To increase the added value of the craft, the traditional mahogany furniture is made into a collectible.
(Source: JJGLE.COM)