The stock of Hooker Furniture Corporation (NASDAQ:HOFT) registered a decrease of 0.59% in short interest. HOFT’s total short interest was 501,500 shares in June as published by FINRA. Its down 0.59% from 504,500 shares, reported previously. With 51,400 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 10 days to cover their HOFT’s short positions. The short interest to Hooker Furniture Corporation’s float is 4.91%. The stock increased 0.69% or $0.17 during the last trading session, hitting $24.7. About 86,847 shares traded hands or 34.10% up from the average. Hooker Furniture Corporation (NASDAQ:HOFT) has declined 5.22% since October 28, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 5.64% the S&P500.
Hooker Furniture Corporation is a home furnishings marketing, design and logistics firm offering sourcing of residential casegoods and upholstery, as well as domestically-produced leather and fabric-upholstered furniture. The company has a market cap of $284.46 million. The Firm operates through three divisions: casegoods furniture, upholstered furniture and all other. It has a 16.55 P/E ratio. The Company’s casegoods product categories include accents, home office, dining, bedroom and home entertainment furniture under the Hooker Furniture brand.
The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.89 in 2015 Q4. Its down 0.06, from 0.95 in 2015Q3. The ratio turned negative, as 4 funds sold all Hooker Furniture Corporation shares owned while 41 reduced positions. 10 funds bought stakes while 30 increased positions. They now own 9.29 million shares or 32.20% less from 13.70 million shares in 2015Q3.
Killen Group Inc holds 1.22% of its portfolio in Hooker Furniture Corporation for 466,625 shares. Morgan Dempsey Capital Management Llc owns 108,154 shares or 1.05% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Nwq Investment Management Company Llc has 0.61% invested in the company for 1.56 million shares. The California-based Eam Investors Llc has invested 0.16% in the stock. Granite Investment Partners Llc, a California-based fund reported 64,262 shares.
(Source: www.bibeypost.com)