Asiades is a company, which designs, develops and produces stylish dining and lounge furniture. The creative- and sales office with 3000 m² showroom is originated in the east of the Netherlands, Apeldoorn, while production takes place in Asia. The back office of Asiades is located in Surabaya where local account managers and IT specialists assist the company.
From 6 generations, Asiades has been making furniture in Holland and over 20 years ago, Asiades determined to move to Asia.
Today's Asiades is selling in more than 60 countries and is a reliable partner for stylish retailers and wholesales who love to have a supplier, who has an eye for detail and always the latest trends.
The asiades brand stands for dining and lounge furniture, Dutch design made in China. It's furniture is produced with responsible sourced materials, a good eye for detail and a generous touch of happiness.
During the world wide exhibitions and in the showroom in Holland, where the design center is located, you can find the latest trends and experience the Asiades furniure collections.
In 9.11-14, The 24th China International Furniture Expo, Asiades will bring its new products, booth number: T01


