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  • 01

    Portable Plasma Air Disinfector

      This air disinfector uses low-temperature plasma technology to produce ionic active single oxygen to achieve rapid disinfection, deodorization, and decomposition of toxic and harmful volatile organic compounds. The product belongs to the special equipment for active dynamic air disinfection and cleaning, which disinfects and cleans the indoor air environment within the effective range. Suitable for hospitals, homes and various public places.

  • 02

    Ceiling-Mounted Plasma Air Purifier

      This air purifier uses low-temperature plasma technology to produce ionic active single oxygen to achieve rapid disinfection, deodorization, and decomposition of toxic and harmful volatile organic compounds. The product belongs to the special equipment for active dynamic air disinfection and cleaning, which disinfects and cleans the indoor air environment within the effective range. Suitable for hospitals, homes and various public places.   Product advantages  Active broad-spectrum disinfection, disinfecting both air and subject surface  No consumables used, air is the raw material  99.9% high-purity disinfection factor, coexistence of human and machine9  Efficient disinfection, faster than UV  No secondary pollution, disinfection factors reduced to oxygen and water molecules  Design life of core parts than 60,000 hours  Disinfection effect  Killing rate of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2>99.9%  Killing rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa>99.9%  Killing rate of influenza A virus H1N1>99.9%  Killing rate of staphylococcus>99.9%  Killing rate of natural bacteria in the air>90%  Killing rate of object surface staphylococcus>99.9%  Killing rate of Escherichia coli>99.9%

  • 03

    Floor-mounted Plasma Air Purifier

      This air purifier uses low-temperature plasma technology to produce ionic active single oxygen to achieve rapid disinfection, deodorization, and decomposition of toxic and harmful volatile organic compounds. The product belongs to the special equipment for active dynamic air disinfection and cleaning, which disinfects and cleans the indoor air environment within the effective range. Suitable for hospitals, homes and various public places.   Product advantages  Active broad-spectrum disinfection, disinfecting both air and subject surface  No consumables used, air is the raw material  99.9% high-purity disinfection factor, coexistence of human and machine9  Efficient disinfection, faster than UV  No secondary pollution, disinfection factors reduced to oxygen and water molecules  Design life of core parts than 60,000 hours  Disinfection effect  Killing rate of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2>99.9%  Killing rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa>99.9%  Killing rate of influenza A virus H1N1>99.9%  Killing rate of staphylococcus>99.9%  Killing rate of natural bacteria in the air>90%  Killing rate of object surface staphylococcus>99.9%  Killing rate of Escherichia coli>99.9%

  • 04

    Study on animal safety of low temperature plasma air sterilizer

      Abstract: Objective To study the safety of low temperature plasma air sterilizer on animals. Methods Peripheral blood of 40 mice was used as the experimental group and randomly divided into two groups. The room of mice in the control group was not disinfected by air disinfecting machine and kept ventilated frequently. The mice in the experimental group were disinfected with low-temperature plasma air sterilizer for 24 hours. The physiological state and physicochemical indexes of the mice in the two groups were observed. Results There was no significant difference in the physiological state of mice in the environment after being disinfected by plasma air disinfectant. There was not different in the indicators of white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin and platelet in the peripheral blood between the two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion 1. The low temperature plasma air disinfection machine for air purification and disinfection has no effect on the physiological state of mice.2. Low temperature plasma air disinfection machine for air purification and disinfection of white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, platelet count of mice has no obvious effect.



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