Markor Home Plans to Increase Capital of 181 Million Yuan for 3 Major Vietnamese Companies

In order to optimize the production capacity, make Southeast Asia the main source of supply in the North American market, and improve the global allocation of the supply chain, on the evening of November 23, Markor International Household Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Markor Home”) announced that it plans to increase the capital of three companies located in Vietnam, with a transaction amount of approximately 181 million yuan, accounting for approximately 3.66% of the latest audited net assets of Meike Home.
According to the announcement, Markor International Business Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Markor International Business”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Markor Home, plans to increase the capital of Starwood Furniture Mfg Vietnam Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “SD Company”) by US$16 million. Holds 40% of the SD company; plans to increase the capital of Thomas Carey Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TC company") by 5 million US dollars, and then raises 40% of the shares of TC company; and plans to increase capital of Royal Corinthian Vietnam Corporation (hereinafter referred to as " RC company"), increased capital of 5 million US dollars, holding 40% of RC company after the capital increase. The aforementioned SD companies, TC companies, and RC companies are collectively referred to as target companies.
The above three target companies are located in Yuxing Industrial Zone, Xinxing Town, Xinyi City, Pingyang Province, Vietnam. The geographical location is adjacent and the business is relevant and synergistic. There are business partnerships between Markor Home and the three target companies. Markor Home said that the target company has more than ten years of experience in manufacturing high-end furniture, and it has certain advantages in terms of labor cost, environmental protection cost and tax cost.
Markor Home said that the three target companies that have increased their capital in Vietnam will help further develop Southeast Asia into a major source of supply for Markor's North American market, while Tianjin Markor Manufacturing Base will mainly supply the domestic market and form a domestic and international market. The international supply chain ecosystem with flexible adjustments and risk avoidance can better cope with the risks brought about by Sino-US trade frictions.